How Long Do Ethos Genetic Seeds Stay Good

Do you have any clue how long weed seeds stay good? If you have stored the cannabis seeds greatly, they will last a very long time. It can last up to a decade in most cases; however, if it is not stored well, the cannabis seeds will get spoiled. While growing up the Ethos Genetics Seeds, you need to consider some of the excellent steps to receive good quality seeds. 

Therefore, let's break down all the steps where you can store all your weed seeds in a particular method that would keep them viable for much longer.

How long do cannabis seeds last

    • These are some of the particular seeds that will last longer than others. And some strains will manufacture the ticker and the harder type of seeds that will aid in safeguarding the seeds from moisture, which will lower the quality of the seeds.

    • The second aspect is when the seeds are harvested can greatly affect longevity. For instance, if your seeds are aged while harvesting, they will only last for a while compared to when they are mature and harvested greatly on time. 

    • It also affects how the seeds are stored as it affects how long a seed lasts for a particular time. In all the environmental components, which include sunlight, weather, temperature, and moisture, some chances affect the longevity of the cannabis seeds. 

How to determine the health of a weed seed


The first aspect to consider is the color which will tell whether the seed is in good condition. When it looks brown, dark brown, or all black, a good weed seed means it gets affected easily. And if the green seeds are fully matured and are good for planting. And if the seed is completely white, then there are chances that it is basically dead and won't germinate greatly. 


The second aspect is the size, where a seed can also offer tips for achieving good health. A great cannabis seed will always come in good shape and size and bloom beautifully. If the seed is too smaller or has an irregular shape, it is likely that it won't be viable to thrive greatly without any hassle. 


Another important step you must determine is the shell; a healthy weed seed is plump and firm on the touch. A seed also feels how hollow and old it gets or is not formed in a good way before it has been harvested incredibly. 


If a seed has cracks, holes, or other shell damage, it is likely no longer feasible for planting. If this is the case, it's likely either a pathogen or moisture has found its way into the seed and has begun to decline it from the inside out.


Consider all the steps mentioned above, which will let you know how long ethos genetics seeds can stay good. It would be best to store them properly as it plays a crucial role in achieving good quality of your seeds. So, check out the steps mentioned above, which would be terrific ideas to determine.  


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