4 primary benefits of growing the best cannabis seeds online

There are two options for cannabis growers when it comes to sourcing their plants, seeds, and even clones. This is the notion that divides several growers, with both sides having their own respective supporters. But, there are mainly four main advantages to growing the best cannabis seeds at home!

1. Robust plants

Cannabis seeds are known to generate strong plants that grow pretty easily. It is mainly since the cannabis plants grow from the seeds to develop a taproot.

These roots grow vertically down from the seeds serving as the point of focus for the entire root system of the plant. The plant root helps to firmly anchor a plant in the ground extending deep into the ground or even soil for better deriving out the nutrients. It can naturally aid the plants to remain strong and healthy, which makes them a bit tougher while dealing with unfavorable conditions, mainly when they grow outdoors.

Clones would not be able to develop the taproots. They develop the fibrous root system as it tends to grow into visible weaker plants. The outdoor clones will struggle to handle the rough conditions as their root systems are not able to penetrate the ground much in the search for water or nutrients as they are less firmly anchored in the ground.

Additionally, the process of creating the clone is generally quite stressful for a plant. Numerous cuttings are taken from the mother and stay under a lot of stress for about some time, ultimately affecting their yields and development.

2. Greater Yields

One of the major concerns for cannabis growers is the yields. You will wish to make sure that the plants are offering you a decent-sized harvest irrespective of your motif for growing it.

Sadly, there are various growers who find that the clones tend to generate lighter harvests than the plants that grow out of the seeds. There are several factors contributing to this, but it generally boils down to the fact that the clones that we saw earlier on develop into weaker plants.

There are a few growers who may find that keeping their clones in a vegetative state for a long time allows them to eventually produce plants of identical strength to the ones that grow from the seed. It depends mainly on the skill as a grower, and ultimately it consumes a lot of effort, time, and patience here.

3. No bugs/pests

The other major concern for cannabis growers is the bugs and pests. Cannabis is susceptible to a massive variety of pests and diseases, having a dramatic effect on the health and harvest of the plant, just like the other plants.

Sadly, bugs and pests are passed on from the mother plants to their clones. It is a huge deal for the growers who purchase or inherit the clones from someone else, while this may not be an issue for the experienced growers who are making their own clones as they should be aware of the diseases and pests affecting their plants. Any pests or diseases affecting their clone would end up killing the plant as it recovers from the stress of cloning and can also go on infecting the other plants in their gardens.

Diseases and pests are not able to thrive or attack the seed. Therefore, you can be 100% sure that your plants will not introduce any disease or pests into your garden by growing your plants from the seeds.

4. Greater available choice

One of the main advantages of growing cannabis from the seeds is the amount of choice you can get as a grower.

Browse the best cannabis seeds catalog of the reliable seed bank, where you will come across infinite strains and varieties, each carrying its own unique traits. You are able to peruse every strain that is available and choose the one that matches your skills perfectly as a grower and set up your plan to work with by selecting to grow from the seeds.

You will have very little control over the type of plant you wish to grow when you buy or inherit a clone. You will come across a mountain of guesswork about the plant's morphology and how it will be responding to your specific growth condition, and more.

LB Seed Co. Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/lbseedco

LB Seed Co. Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/lbseedco

LB Seed Co. Instagram Page: http://instagram.com/lbseed_co


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